Trademark fees to be increased again by 100%

Revised Trademark Fee

The Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks (CGPDTM) has put forth a Draft Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules, 2015 for Public Comments. The draft includes a revised, inter alia, application fee and renewal fee. The current trademark application fee is Rs. 4000/- which was increased last year from Rs. 3500/-. Renewal fee towards a single class is Rs. 5000/- presently. The new fee structure proposes to increase the application fee to Rs. 8000/- for online applications and Rs. 8800/- for manual/paper filings, and renewal fee to be increased to Rs. 10000/- per class. [caption id="attachment_848" align="alignnone" width="300"] Revised Trademark Fee[/caption] While the fees are relatively lesser than foreign countries, the registration process still needs significant improvement,...

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Trademark fees revised, increases by a few hundreds!

Trademark Fee and Fee for Expedited Examination go up! We blogged a while ago regarding the proposed increase in fee for trademark application ( Coming as a surprise notification, the Trade Mark Registry posted an update on its website on August 7, 2014 notifying the fee increase of Rs. 500 in trademark application fee, i.e., from Rs. 3500 to Rs. 4000.  Also, the fee for expedited examination is increased to Rs. 20,000.  The notification can be seen (   What changes the stakeholders expect to see? One can only hope that such fee increase would add revenue so more competent and qualified resources can be employed and consequently it would increase the efficiency of existing operations and reduce the pendency...

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Things to look for when using Madrid System in India – National System vs Madrid System

[caption id="attachment_329" align="aligncenter" width="520"] Madrid-WIPO[/caption]   While it is indisputable that Madrid Trademark System brings a host of advantages for applicants wanting to register their trademark across the globe, there are a few things to be taken in to consideration to chose whether Madrid System would suit you. If you are only looking to register your brand only in a country or two, then you may have to think twice before choosing Madrid System as you may end up spending a lot more than you should. For example, if you want to get a trademark only in US, then you are better off using the national system, as opposed to Madrid System. To get a trademark in US using Madrid...

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