What is next after trademark application? How to use trademark symbols in India?

After much contemplation, you now have successfully filed your trademark application and next what?  Okay, it is time to show-off or cause notice to the public regarding the usage of that trademark.  Let us see how and why we should do so. Why and how to use trade mark symbols? The symbols ®, TM and SM provide notice to the world that you are claiming trademark rights in any mark using these symbols. You may use the TM on marks identifying goods, and the SM on marks identifying services as soon as you have filed the application and allotted with an unique TM application number. You need not have a registration to use the TM or SM symbols. However, the...

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Almost 30K TM applications pending before Trademark Registry, India

As many as 30,221 applications are pending for issuance of trademark registration certificates due to shortage of manpower, Parliament was informed Monday. "Pendency in issuance of registration certificates for applications found fit for registration as on 30th April is 30,221. The main cause of the backlog in issuance of registration certificates is insufficient manpower due to vacant posts," Minister of State for Commerce and Industry, D Purandeswari said in a written reply to the Lok Sabha. She said that at present, 56 of the sanctioned 130 posts relating to Trade Mark Registry are lying vacant. The minister informed that the Office of the Controller General of Patents Designs and Trademarks has 11 offices in five cities. Of these, four are...

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Due Diligence – Is your online business or e-commerce website compliant with Information Technology Act?

Controlling Cyber Crimes Prevention of white collar crimes, especially socioeconomic offences and crimes related to computers, has been paid due attention over the years by the Indian Government.  After the recent amendment to the Information Technology Act, 2000, more provisions have been included to prescribe guidelines and punishment related to cyber crimes, from hacking to pornography. Cyber crime has become a profession and the demographic of your typical cyber criminal is changing rapidly, from bedroom-bound geek to the type of organized gangster more traditionally associated with drug-trafficking, extortion and money laundering. It has become possible for people with comparatively low technical skills to steal thousands of pounds a day without leaving their homes. In fact, to make more money than...

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